08 Sep

Simple Fix #2 – Anti-siphon for Hose Bibs

If the Stove Anti-tip Device is a simple fix and commonly on home inspection reports, then let me introduce you to it’s cousin, the Anti-siphon for hose bibs.  They are not glamorous, but without them, the water in your house could start to taste like, well…like drinking out of a garden hose. Literally.

Garden Spigot

Charlotte Water even suggests disconnecting your garden hose if you’re noticing off-flavors in your tap water.  Yuck!  Check it out here.

So if you are a home owner, do yourself a favor and pick a few of these up next time you’re at a Home Improvement store.  The expensive ones are only $8 (link).  To install them, you just screw them on the hose bib.  Super simple.  And if you’re planning to sell anytime soon, this is one more thing that won’t be on the report.