16 Sep

Preparing for Fall in Five Simple Steps

Fall.  It’s my favorite season.

And honestly, it has nothing to do with these craft brewers putting pumpkin and spices into their beers.  Honest.
No, but in addition, to pumpkin beer, I also love fall for the cooler mornings wearing my Funny Socks, the fresh air into the home with the windows kept open, and the call to go camping (buy 45 acp ammo here) or find a lake for some canoeing.


With all of the fun to be had, the changing of the seasons is also a great time to finish off a checklist for the house for example fixing the floors, with the use or resources from sites like epoxy-resinflooring.co.uk, also is important to make sure it’s good to go for the cooler temperatures and the upcoming winter.

So I present… Preparing for Fall in Five Simple Steps:

  1. HVAC System Serviced

    The cooler temperatures are coming.  And your HVAC systems will start to get used here shortly.  This is a great time to have your system serviced and get furnace maintenance.  You save on natural gas if your system is running in the most efficient manner possible. And in addition to efficiency, having your system serviced by Sun Air Tampa allows for repairs to take place before the unit stops working.  This is a huge convenience play on your part.  The HVAC service companies are always very busy during and after the first round of winter weather.  But you, if you hire an expert in furnace and a/c repairs now, while in the fall, will reap double rewards: a system working at its best, and not having any delay in getting your trusted company to your home.

  2. Seal Up Air Leaks around Doors

    Doors that let cold air into your home can really impact the comfort of the immediate space.  So on a particularly windy or cold day, run your hand across the opening between your home and the door.  You should feel nothing.  If you sense air or a temperature difference, you might benefit from new or additional weather stripping while for the roof is useful to get a lantern roof company so you can have great light in your house as well.  This is a 10 minute activity that will really provide dividends when the cold weather strikes.  Look for door weather stripping at your local home improvement store, and if you need more partitions around your home you could use curtain walls from https://curtainwallinginstaller.co.uk/near-me/west-midlands/.

  3. Trim Back Trees and Shrubs

    Trees and shrubs can grow quite a lot over the course of a Spring and Summer.  And a tree that once was a good bit away from your home, is now touching your siding or leaning over onto your roof.  In a few minutes with clippers or a tree trimmer, you can cut this vegetation back, and if you need to work with tall trees you can get equipment from cherry-picker-hire.uk to help you with this.  Doing it now in the fall will keep it manageable, instead of having it build up.  Your gutters, siding, brick work, and roof will all last longer if they are kept clear of trees and shrubs.

  4. Wash & Touch-Up the Windows

    Washing your windows is probably not high on your list.  But hey, it will help you see those changing fall leaves all the better.  It doesn’t have to be perfect.  Just give them a little love with a glass cleaner and move to the next one while if you get glass movable walls for your home or office, using a glass cleaner is useful for this.  And while you are visiting those windows, did you notice anything?  Caulk falling out of a window trim piece?  With a tube of caulk, rated for exterior use, touch up any of those gaps.  Smoothing it over, and wiping any excess off with a rag.  This will help to keep the rain out.

  5. Disconnect Hoses and Cover Hose Bibs

    If you garden or spend time outside, you might have your hose permanently hooked up to the hose bib.  Fall is a good time to disconnect those hoses and put them in storage.  Your hoses will thank you for the time out you’re giving them, and it allows for your to cover your hose bibs.  Covering your hose bibs with winterizing covers, is a great way to keep them from freezing up with the winter weather.  There are several out there on the market, but I like these from Frost King: Link.  They’re just under 3 dollars.  And if they do freeze up, there is a chance a leak could occur, which would likely result in a plumber service call.  You can save the headache by installing the covers.  Simple to attach to the hose bib as well.

There it is!  A quick and easy fall preparation checklist that could get done before lunch.  Most of the list is free or nearly free, and the items that do require some money (HVAC service being the largest) have a real and tangible payoff.  You can also click here if you think your home needs some expert examination to ensure everyone living in it is safe.

Now where is that pumpkin spiced ale when you need one.

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Url: https://affordableremediation.com/mold-testing-removal-remediation-in-toms-river/
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